Wizard Lake Watershed and Lake Stewardship Association is very excited to inform you that funding has been secured for a study of Wizard Lake and its watershed water quality by Associated Environmental Consultants Inc. The task components are to review and compile recommendations from our some twenty years of historical data: 1)Quality Assurance/Quality Control and analysis of Tributary Data 2)Wizard Lake Water Quality Review 3)Update Wizard Lake Phosphorus Budget
Results of this contract will be published and presented to the public late 2020 or 2021.
The contract portion of this project has been funded by the following:
The Wizard Lake Watershed and Lake Stewardship Association wishes to acknowledge the financial contribution of Land Stewardship Centre’s Watershed Stewardship Grant Program funded by Alberta Environment and Parks for making this project possible.
Land Stewardship Centre (LSC) is pleased to contribute to the delivery of this project through the Watershed Stewardship Grant Program, funded by Alberta Environment and Parks. “LSC is committed to working with stewardship groups to increase public awareness of the importance of the grassroots initiatives that are having a positive impact on watersheds, water quality and communities across Alberta. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the Wizard Lake Watershed and Lake Stewardship Association and not necessarily LSC’s.”
Additional partner funding for this project is by donation from the following: Richard Ipsen, Bryan Mason, John Hrynkow, 598180Alberta Ltd. c/o Linc Drynan, Blake Bartlett Great news for our watershed. Thanks to all contributors to this project.