These are the facts taken from a report by Stanley Associates Engineering Ltd. regarding the design and installation of the weir, installed at the outlet of Wizard Lake's east end, in 1991/92.
A weir is commonly perceived to be the most practical means of lake outlet control. This weir was designed with a fixed crest of 784.00 meters which was based on a 1 to 100 year flood level. The weir length and crest elevation was carefully selected in order to optimize the lake level rise and peak outflow rates during a flood, and in addition provide acceptable lake levels during longer term hydrologic conditions.
In order to prevent tampering with the weir elevation the county selected a FIXED WEIR installation.
There is no apparatus that makes this weir adjustable to alter the lake level from year to year or day to day.
Fluctuations to the lake level above and below the 784.00 meters are due to flooding or evaporation.