Aquality Environmental Consulting, Wizard Lake State of the Watershed Report, 2012. In the summers of 2011 and 2012 , the Alberta Health Services sampling program for Wizard Lake involved testing for bacteria on a weekly basis, as well as sampling and monitoring for blue-green algae presence, from June into early September.
The program showed us that lake conditions present by August long weekend, 2012, were optimum for “extension growth” of blue-green algae. Extension growth means that blue-green algae is present to such an extent that a risk to human health exists in the lake water. Fulfilling its duty to protect public health and prevent illness, AHS issued a health advisory, informing the public of risks associated with blue-green algae present in Wizard Lake.
Most blue-green algae blooms are short-lived. Lakes and other water bodies affected by blue-green algae blooms usually return to a safe state within several days of the bloom.
Wizard Lake has had safe water quality results in previous years of testing.